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На какой Факультет Вы хотели бы поступить?


Invitation to the International Scientific Conference



University of European Studies of Moldova, Republic of Moldova

University of Management «TISBI», Russia

DANUBIUS University of Galati, Romania

The All-Russian State, Russia

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania


We kindly invite you to take part in
The International Scientific Conference named
organized on December 3-4, 2021

The conference publications will be published in the conference volume with ISBN code in Republic of Moldova, Indexing in the IBN.
The best papers will be published in the accredited journals of Danubius University https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/ 

Publication of materials is free.
Publication on paper is charged. 

The work is addressed to the following fields of research:

  1. Economics (Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, etc)
  2. Law
  3. Agriculture
  4. Education
  5. Psychology
  6. Politics
  7. Media and communication 

The event will also host a section for young researchers who will have the opportunity to publish.
The communication languages of the symposium: Romanian, Russian, English.

Link: Speakers and participants must complete electronic registration by the link before December 2, 2021 
(Please note that this form is available for filling from browsers Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google & Google Chrome.)

Speakers and participants must send the text of the report and the participant's request by e-mail by 01.12.2021 (mailto: lsargu@mail.ru

  1. formatting: up 2.0 cm, down 2.0 cm, left 2.0 cm, right 2.0 cm, TNR 12, interval 1.5 cm. page numbering will not be performed. For publishing will be accepted works with the volume of minimum 6 pages.
  2. title of the paper (Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, Alignment centre), in the language, the article is written and in English. A white line (one interval).
  3. author(s) (Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, Alignment St.), followed by the scientific, didactic title, institution, e-mail, tel. (Italic). A white line (one interval).
  4. summary (Times New Roman 10pt, Justify, Alignment left, Italic) a maximum of 200-500 signs, in the article writing language and English, it must contain: actuality, purpose, research methods, results.
  5. keywords: one line away from the summary, with Times New Roman 10, Alignment left, Italic. Includes up to 10 representative words in alphabetical order. A white line (one interval).
  6. the content of the paper:

The text of the paper will be written with Times New Roman 12pt, Interval 1.5 cm, Alignment Justify and must contain at least 6 pages. It will be structured as follows: the introduction to the problem, main text, conclusions, the list of bibliography. The quotation will be made only by mentioning in square brackets, according to the order of the citation. Example: [1, p. 43], [2]…. [n].

  1. Equations, formulas and symbols will be written to the left of the page. They will be numbered consecutively. The international Arabic numbering system will be used. A white line must be left before and after each equation.
  2. Photos, drawings and tables will be numbered consecutively and centred on the page. They will be separated by text by a white line. No scanned tables are allowed.
  3. The conclusions will reflect the opinions of the authors on the problems and results presented. A white line.
  4. Bibliography Name, surname, title, publisher, city, year, no. total pages.
With presence and online.


Ceban Cristina +37369194431

Șargu Lilia +37368132020

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