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Engineering Publication House - Inviting paper for Publication Volume 5, Issue 3 – 2019

Call for paper:
EPH invites high quality papers for its upcoming issues. Author are strictly advised not to send already publisher papers in other journals. All the work must be original.
Manuscript Submission
Author are requested to follow the manuscript submission guidelines while writing the paper.
Click Here to read all about manuscript guidelines.
Review Process:
EPH Journal relies on the peer review process to examine the quality and standard of its papers.
The review process takes 5-7 days to confirm author about acceptance of paper.
After confirmation of acceptance author needs to pay the publication charges to publish their paper in referred journal.
Publication Charges
EPH Journal is a non-profit organization. We are doing effort providing a good platform for researcher, scholars and all those who have interest in research and innovating new ideas.
For publishing research paper we charges a very low fees from author which includes the website maintenance, web hosting, technical writing, formatting of papers, printing hard copies etc.
To know more about publication charges and payment mode Click Here
Dear Conference Organizers,
The EPH Journal welcome Conference papers to be published in our journals as special issues with nominal charges.
EPH Journal brings out the special issues publication which entails research articles from National and International Conferences and Seminars. Colleges and Universities. The conference articles must be reviewed by the panel of editors made by conference organizer. EPH Journal provides best deals in conference proposals. 
Some of special benefits for special issue are: 
Special discounts on bulk publication.
24x7 support.
Rapid publication process
Double blind peer reviewing process
Lifetime archiving for published articles.
And much more yet to discover. 
Our Journals:
Important dates:
Last date of Research paper submission: 25th of Every Month.
Acceptance Notification: Within 5-7 days of paper submission
Date of Publication: Last Date of Every Month.
Submit your manuscript through E-mail at editor@ephjournal.com
EPH welcomes to all endeavor in the research and development.
You can submit your CV to join our editorial board: -editor@ephjournal.com
Best Regards
EPH Journal

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